Importance of Christian Education — Legacy Classical Christian Academy
The purpose of Christian education is to tell God’s story about living in His Kingdom. It also includes preparing hands, hearts, and minds for service. God reveals that He is our Lord and the creator of all things. Throughout the Biblical story, God clarifies that sin has greatly impacted His creations, yet He will continue demonstrating His grace.
Many people have a wide variety of options on whether or not a Christian education at Faith Christian Academy in Haslet is important. Therefore, even though we are biased on the topic, we would like to share with you the importance of Christian education.
Basic Principles of Christian Education
Acknowledging the Scriptures in instructing us of God, creation, and ourselves contain basic principles relevant and authorities for education. Christian education holds that:
1. The responsibility and authority for educating children reside in children’s guardians and parents. However, parents may seek help from people who can competently carry this God-given parental right.
2. The main aim of a Christian parent in securing their child’s education should be to give them a Christ-centered education. This includes:
· Teaching the child about God’s plan of salvation through Jesus Christ.
· Directing and developing the individual’s God-given interests and abilities.
· Instructing in fear of God’s name so they may know how to live to God’s glory.
Therefore, the Word of God must be the all-pervading force in the entire educational program and process.
1. Christian parents, when they seek help in their children’s education, must seek those institutions and individuals who can provide a Christian education for the student.
2. The responsibility to maintain such institutions rests on the entire Christian Community.
Purpose and Aim of the School
The aim and purpose of Christian schools state that:
1. They believe in making the child aware that they are an image-bearer of God. The schools also teach how the child stands in relationship with God, self, others, and creation. Finally, it makes them prepare for meaningful participation in society.
2. Schools provide them with wholesome learning opportunities so that the children can develop and recognize their God-given talents, learn to apply these talents, and extend their interests.
3. Children will get basic instruction as required by the Department of Education. All subjects shall be taught in the light of God’s Word.
4. They help children to lead toward willing obedience to God and the authority of His Word. The schools also encourage concern and respect for Government and others, a desire to give themselves integrity and honesty, and help themselves to find peace and joy in a Christian commitment.
5. It gives the children a greater understanding and awareness of the secular Christian communities and guides them, with the help of the Holy Spirit, to understand that all of life is directed by God’s Word.
We are committed to providing quality Christ-centered education at Legacy Classical Christian Academy Haslet.